• July 27, 2024

Blueprint and Acuvate Partner for Platform Migration

Blueprint Software Systems and Acuvate have announced a partnership that will make it easier for organizations to migrate from legacy process automation technology to Microsoft’s Power Automate platform. Under the agreement, …

Microsoft Partners with Blueprint to Ease RPA Migrations

Blueprint Software Systems, a Canadian company that makes software enabling businesses to more easily migrate from one RPA provider to another, today announced a partnership with Microsoft. Under the agreement, Microsoft …

Blueprint Launches Re-Platforming Solution for Dissatisfied RPA Customers

Canadian software provider Blueprint Software Systems this week unveiled a solution it says aims to help companies move on from unsuitable RPA technology. While automation technology has provided significant value to …

Blueprint Launches Business Transformation Platform

Blueprint Software Systems, a Toronto-based software provider, has launched a new platform it says goes beyond process automation, enabling organizations to achieve a deeper understanding of all its processes. The company …

Blueprint Launches ‘Process Discovery’ Tool

Understanding business processes and the tasks that comprise them is becoming an increasingly important part of any automation strategy. Blueprint Software Systems, a Toronto-based provider of automation design environment technology, said it …

Blueprint Partners with Microsoft to Make Changing Vendors Easier

One of the reasons companies stick with a technology vendor they might not be 100 percent happy with is the time and expense associated with changing. Blueprint Software Systems, a Toronto-based …

C-Suite Spotlight: Blueprint’s Charles Sword

Digital transformation is a phrase that has become a mantra for nearly every organization. The essence of digital transformation can vary significantly from business to business, but one of the bedrock …

RPA Platform Migration: Do’s and Don’ts

While RPA migrations are becoming increasingly commonplace, organizations often have a difficult time determining what automated processes should be moved to their new intelligent automation platform and in what order. Should …

Changing RPA Providers Getting More Expensive, Says Report

As intelligent automation solutions evolve and improve, organizations that made early investments in the software often evaluate newcomers and find their current solution doesn’t meet their needs anymore. But migrating to …

Intelligent Automation Services Providers Proliferate as Challenging Business Environment Demands Efficiency, Cost Savings

In any economic downturn, businesses automatically begin retrenching and looking for opportunities to cut costs and become more efficient. As headlines in the tech industry continue to trumpet the bad news …